Our company has many sins of the past, one of them being a lack of information architecture (IA). Due to this we often have large numbers of sites dumped into a subweb. Working on the corporate intranet migration to the 2010 platform, I noticed that the TOC webpart was only displaying 20 sites, despite having multiple subwebs below it.
In order to fix this issue, you need to make a change in the site settings for the navigation of the site, since this is what the TOC webpart relies on.
Navigate to Site Settings –> Navigation
Change the Current Navigation limit entry to something appropriate for this level of subweb:
Maximum number of dynamic items to show within this level of navigation:
In my case, I set it to 200, your needs may be different. After making this change to the current navigation setting all my subwebs now appear in the Table of Contents webpart.
SharePoint 2010–Table of Contents webpart limits to displaying only 20 items http://t.co/qElcLju4 via @iedaddy