Yup, I’m a twitterite, twitteree, twitterer…. whatever.
You can follow me @ieDaddy
I don’t know if I’ll have a lot to say in 140 characters, but I’ve joined the masses.
Yup, I’m a twitterite, twitteree, twitterer…. whatever.
You can follow me @ieDaddy
I don’t know if I’ll have a lot to say in 140 characters, but I’ve joined the masses.
Computer Geek, SharePoint MadHatter, devOps Champion, Automation Fan, PowerShell Player and sometimes I write Blog Stuff. I know GeekFu and TechNinja. Passionate about software delivery, devOps, agile and other things revolving around technology. This blog is mostly just for me to play around with and keep my hand in web technology and PHP
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