Experiences of an Inland Empire Dad

SharePoint 2013 | AMS–App Model Samples

Microsoft has just released a good set of examples of Apps on CodePlex. Most will work on Office 365 as well as on-Prem Sharepoint Server 2013.


Currently this project is very focused on the SharePoint scenarios but they say they are also keeping an eye on including the all-up Office Developer moving forward.  These volunteers are working with the MSDN Content Publishing team to take the most impactful and useful samples that complete common customer scenarios and publishing them as "Solution Packs" of content as well as "Sample Packs" of sample code.

Extremely useful for those of us “SharePoint Chefs” who take various code recipes and add our own flavor to them.

You can get additional details from the introduction presentation.

Quick list of included scenarios

MSDN references

Check the new SharePoint Online Solution Pack for branding and provisioning. This package contains some examples, which originate from the AMS reference implementations. Here are the direct links for the Solution Pack

You can find an introduction to the SharePoint Online Solution Pack for branding and provisioning by following the blog post – Introduction to SharePoint Online Solution Pack for branding and provisioning released.