Experiences of an Inland Empire Dad

OCSPUG | Mobile Revolution and Best-Of Deployments (6/26/2013)

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The June OCSPUG meeting has special guest Joel Oleson speaking on SharePoint 2013 and Enterprise Mobile.


Speaker: Joel Oleson

Title: Enterprise Mobile SharePoint Revolution

Description: SharePoint 2013 takes a great step forward on mobile support through apps, office web apps, and cross browser support. There’s a revolution in the enterprise toward support for mobile. In this session we’ll dig into browsers, mobile, tablets, and this revolution which brings major change to the enterprise strategies.

Speaker: Bill Pitts

Title: SharePoint 2013: Art of the Possible

Description: IT has deployed SharePoint, and yet the business struggles to find business value. In this session we’ll unlock the possible in a special prezi style presentation zooming in and out of real world deployments that takes the best of Intranets and Internet sites built on SharePoint 2010 and 2013.

Venue Information:

The entrance to our classroom is left of the main lobby, just behind the handicap parking sign in this photo