Experiences of an Inland Empire Dad

Microsoft Gallery | My PowerShell Script Reaches 100 downloads

Back when I was doing a lot of testing with loading test data into sharepoint lists and then dumping them to run another set of test data, the traditional method of deleting one at a time from the list was really slow, so I created a script to use the ProcessBatchData command to create an XML command structure to delete the items in batches so I could run several automated tests over with different conditions.  Worked well enough that I went ahead and uploaded it to the MS gallery for others to use who were in the same situation.  Just checked and we’ve passed the 100 downloads milestone.  So yeah!  Glad people find it useful

The Truncate all Items in an SPList in SharePoint Using ProcessBatchData Command contribution has been downloaded 100 times from the Office TechNet Gallery. Awesome!

Gallery | 5 days ago

Recently I’ve been working on some other PowerShell scripts to walk a website and record broken links for SharePoint 2010, so once it’s a little more bulletproof I’ll have to post that as well.