Experiences of an Inland Empire Dad

SharePoint 2010 – Change the Central Admin Port Number

I always try to standardize here I can to make my life easier.  When setting up SharePoint you can choose the port number for Central Admin.  I always suggest using the same port number whenever possible.  So what about when you’re working for a company that already has several SharePoint farms set up?

Our trust PowerShell once again comes to the rescue.  Using the Set-SPCentralAdministration cmdlet, you can change the port hosting your Central Administration web application.

Set-SPCentralAdministration –Port 7000

You can read more about the Set-SPCentralAdministration cmdlet here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff607832.aspx

While I usually have my farms’ Central Admins bookmarked, sometimes when I’m on a remote computer I just want to type in the address and add the my standard central admin port.  Thanks to PowerShell I can quickly and easily remember my standard port without having to rely on bookmarks.