Experiences of an Inland Empire Dad

Camping with Kids

I just got back from camping last week with my wife and daughter.  It was great except for the bears, coyotes and southern California wildfires.

Not that I’m complaining at all, but it was probably not the best camping trip ever.  It did however have some very valuable lessons learned which I thought I would pass along here based on my personal experience and some of the web sites I’ve read after the fact…

Don’t camp alone

Contrary to what we’d like to believe, our child does not want to spend days on end with us in the wilderness.  We went up a day early, and all my daughter could talk about was when her friends would get there.  I was probably asked about 50 times, “When are my friends going to be here?”

Having other children (and adults) at the campsite definitely helps with keeping all the kids busy and allows us a little down time to sit, relax, and enjoy nature.

Take the necessary equipment
Experience outdoor activities with your kids
Make your travel fun