When adding a DateTime field to a list, you have the option of setting a Default value of Today. However, this will make everything default to a 12AM Time. By using the Calculated Value field, we can specify “Today+”08:00 AM” and now the field will default to Today’s date @ 8:00am.
We can also add additional days to the default date, in case we’re creating things like tracking tickets with a follow up date, by using this method we can do things like adding an additional day or additional week by using Today+7 to put it into next week, or Today+1 to calculate a follow up of tomorrow.
But lets say you want to only follow up on weekdays, now we get into some logic, and that’s where the WEEKDAY function comes in….
Day | Weekday Result |
Sunday | 1 |
Monday | 2 |
Tuesday | 3 |
Wednesday | 4 |
Thursday | 5 |
Friday | 6 |
Saturday | 7 |
So, If we enter something on a Friday, It should default to the following Monday: In that case we’d need to add some logic into the Calculated Value field to take the weekdays into account, where if today is Friday, add 3 days, if today is Saturday, add 2 days, and if Today is Sunday or a regular weekday just add 1 day, which would look like this:
=IF(WEEKDAY(Today) = 6, Today+3, IF(WEEKDAY(Today)=7, Today+2,Today+1))
That way, the Calculated Value of the follow up date will always fall on a weekday.